The map highlights areas in Central California, like Mariposa County or even Fresno County, in very high fire hazard severity zones. Fresno County Supervisor Nathan Magsig says he's seen the changes around him. "This new map did not shock me, because when you travel up into our force and ...
More than 2.7 million Californians live in areas state fire officials say are at a very high hazard for wildfires, according to an AP analysis of census data and state fire maps. Nearly 180 cities and towns are in those very high hazard areas. The recently retired head of the California De...
"Today's efforts are focused on mop up and reinforcing containment lines to ensure perimeter control. Hazard trees along roadways are being mitigated to protect both firefighters and the public," said Cal Fire in an update, adding that "The fire is expected to remain within its current footpri...
Senate Bill 610, introduced in June by Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco),sparked heated debateover its plan to eliminate the decades-old system of ranking state and local lands as “moderate,”“high” or “very high” fire hazard severity zones — designations that influence development...
Not necessarily. Larger homes in high fire risk areas are often far more expensive than an older home. If a home is older, as long as it’s in good condition and kept up, there are carriers that reward this by offering fair premiums. ...
Conservation land purchases that targeted parcels designated as high fire hazard resulted in lower fire risk to homes than purchases that targeted low costs or high likelihood to subdivide. This result was driven by (1) preventing home placement in fire prone areas and (2) taking land off the ...
Natural Hazards:Your area’s risk of natural hazards, such as aflood hazard zone, seismic hazard zone, or high fire hazard severity zone. Proximity to Operations:Whether there is an airport, farm, ranch, abandoned well, gas pipeline, or mining operation nearby. ...
he ordered the State Fire Marshal to release an updated “Fire Hazard Severity Zone” that will add 1.4 million new acres in the higher two tiers of fire severity. This will force planning changes throughout the State. He also required Cal Fire and Cal OES to...