. . Hemp, Flax, Tallow, Pitch, Tar, Turpentine, Hay, Straw, and Fodder of all Kinds and Corn unthrasht,” carelessly stored in homes–“the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire hath, where the same has been practiced, proved very advantageous to the Publick” underscoring his awareness...
Under a Creative Commons license Open accessAbstract Use of environmentally friendly approaches with the purpose of strengthening soil layers along with finding correlations between the mechanical characteristics of fiber-reinforced soils such as indirect tensile strength (ITS) and California bearing ratio ...
California’s successful cannabis dispensaries and the positive impact the new industry is making in the North County town. The California Cannabis Corridor™ is an informative and heartfelt look at how dispensary community
Federal laws legalize hemp-derived Delta-9 THC with a concentration below 0.3%, as per the 2018 Farm Bill, while states have their regulations for its legality. California has approved hemp-derived Delta-9 THC, and new state laws like Assembly Bill 45 are clarifying rules. In Kentucky, new...
million dollars in June 2023. Those eighteen and other eligible jurisdictions may receive additional grant money for each retail license issued. Moreover, the new expansion of medical cannabis delivery opportunities may spur local jurisdictions to consider both medical and adult retail cannabis regulation...
AB 2020 local jurisdiction cannabis temporary event license; AB 2058 driving under the influence of cannabis; AB 2164 local ordinances, fines and penalties for cannabis; AB 2215 veterinarians and administration of cannabis to animals; AB 2255 cannabis distribution and deliveries; AB 2402 protection of...