Effective January 1, 2024, California has enacted new statutes that will gradually raise the minimum wage for healthcare workers to $25 per hour over the next several years.The rate of increase varies based on the size and type of healthcare facility. Large health facilities and clinics will ...
California clinics, health facilities, home health agencies, and licensed hospices required to report breaches to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) underCalifornia’s Health and Safety Code Section 1280.15(Section 1280.15) are now subject to anew set of regulations. Section 1280.15, wh...
California’s notice requirement will result in the disclosure of a significant amount of sensitive information that could reshape the way health care transactions are conducted in the state going forward, and the finalized CMIR regulations may delay deals for up to a year. Below is ...
New California regulations went live on January 1, 2024, requiring notice in connection with health care transactions, and effectively establishing pre-closing waiting periods of up to 38 weeks. California’s Office of Health Care Affordability (“OHCA” or the “Office”) has begun its mandate ...
Join other health care professionals to learn how health plans in California are dealing with changes, taking on new responsibilities for the state, implementing laws and regulations, and planning for the future. Please visit us at the trade show at Booth 500. ...
Employers need to know how these laws affect paid sick leave, wages and salaries, cannabis use and more.
Medical billing companies stay up to date with new rules and regulations, such as those related to the Health Insurance Exchange (HIE) and value-based payment models. They help practices stay compliant with evolving healthcare laws, ensuring that claims are processed efficiently and correctly, reduc...
Review and application of relevant laws and regulations is a must. By Matt Kinley, Esq. of the Kinley Law Practice 1 Comment Posted in Anti-kickback, Current Affairs, healthcare compliance, healthcare marketing, Healthcare Regulatory Matters, Physician, Physician Assistant IS YOUR HEALTHCARE ...
The impact that OHCA's amended regulations and AB 3129 (if signed by the governor as recently approved by the California legislature) will have on healthcare transactions in California remains to be seen; however, the initial implementation of AB 3129 and OHCA regulations by the AG and OHCA, ...
The use of cannabis has been lawful in California since 2016. Two new laws take effect January 1 that restrict an employer’s ability to take action against an employee for off-duty (and off-site) cannabis use. Nothing in these new laws – or any law – protect an employee who is unde...