The article reports that the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) Health Innovation Fund will provide funds to health care companies for their ventures or expansions. According to Margaret Laws, director at CHCF fund, investments are made to increase access of low-income or underserved populations...
CHCFLogo–4CProcess/Vertical CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION November2011 Implementing NationalHealthReform inCalifornia: PaymentandDelivery SystemChanges Preparedfor CaliforniaHealtHCarefoundation By JonahP.B.Frohlich,MPH BrendaPawlak MollyE.Smith,MS
Elders who are frail because of disability, multiple chronic conditions, and other factors account for a growing share of the population, yet they are often poorly served by a health care system that is focused on acute care episodes. This report for the California HealthCare Foundation examines...
According to the California Health Care Foundation, young adults aged 18-25 have the highest prevalence of substance use disorders in the state, with 14.4% experiencing a substance use disorder in the past year (CHCF, 2018). The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 75% of all life...
The team included staff from UCLA (including the SAMHSA-funded Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center [PSATTC]), Stanford University faculty, members of the California Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM), and informal consultants from the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) and ...
AbouttheFoundation TheCaliforniaHealthCareFoundation,basedinOakland,isan independentphilanthropycommittedtoimprovingCalifornia’shealthcare deliveryandfinancingsystems.Formedin1996,ourgoalistoensurethat allCalifornianshaveaccesstoaffordable,qualityhealthcare.Formore informationaboutCHCF,visitusonlineat.chcf. Contents Case...
Supported by the California Health Care Foundation. The funder had no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. Authors Feinberg, Declercq, and Belanoff had...
California HealthCare Foundation, Rethinking the Nursing Home: Culture Change Makes Headway in California, December 2008, ngNursingHomeCulture.pdfCalifornia Healthcare Foundation, Rethinking the nursing home: Culture ...
How can the delivery of health services be made accountable to the needs and desires of those who receive and, ultimately, pay for them? The approach of the California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) has been to build a supply of consumer friendly information, to encourage societal vigilance ...
Health information technology in California dental practices: survey findings. California Healthcare Foundation. Available at: http:// technology-in-california-dental-practices-survey-findings [accessed on 24 January 2012]....