TOBACCOGOVERNMENT policyT-test (Statistics)RESEARCH fundingFLAVORING essencesLOGISTIC regression analysisLEGAL status of sales personnelIn 2020, California passed a flavored tobacco sales restriction (FTSR), but the tobacco companies filed a referendum, and the ban will not be impl...
also scored an easy victory Tuesday. Two years after Newsom signed a law banning the sale of the flavored products — which critics say help hook kids on smoking — the tobacco industry gathered enough signatures to place a referendum on the ballot asking voters to overturn...
The California Assembly has passed SB 793, a bill that will ban sales of flavored vaping products in brick-and-mortar retail locations.
Gavin Newsom signed SB-793 to ban in-person stores and vending machines from selling most flavored tobacco products and tobacco product flavor enhancers. However, it did not go into effect because a referendum on the law qualified for this November's ballot. That means the law is on ...