ONSITE TRAINING CA DOJ Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Instructor Course - Recognized DOJ comparable training entities PC 12804(j)- NRA & DOJ Certified Instructor | CalGunsTraining
Rebecca Edwards Rebecca is the lead safety reporter and in-house expert for SafeWise.com. She has been a journalist and blogger for over 25 years, with a focus on home and community safety for the past decade. Rebecca spends dozens of hours every month poring over crime and safety reports...
California Gun Laws - Firearms Transfer - FFL. We offer the discriminating sportsman and firearm enthusiast an exceptional selection of classic antique, collectible and fine sporting firearms. Colt Single Actions, Colt 1911, Belgian Browning's, Pre-64 Wi
topics tothePPOlicense test. 5.The State, quietly not long ago, began denying the use of TWO long-time popular private center sealsonPPO badge design approval requests. 6.The Staterecently put into a law a surprise requirement regardingPPOfirearm carry. 7.Our 2025 packageis more than a pound...
Firearm 415 Disturbing The Peace 417 Brandishing A Weapon 451 Arson Health & Safety Code (H & S) Welfare & Institutions Code 11351 Possession Of Drugs For Sale 11359 Marijuana For Sale 11357 Possession Of Drugs 11500 Narcotics Violations 11358 Culivation 11590 Registrant 223489 Maximum Speed Limit...
Utah students as early as kindergarten would be required to learn about firearm safety in the classroom under a bill that passed the state House Associated PressFeb. 14, 2025 AP Reporter and Photographer Barred From Air Force One Over 'Gulf of Mexico' Terminology Dispute The Trump administration...
Carrying A Loaded Firearm Check Fraud Corporal Injury Credit Card Fraud Criminal Threats Domestic Violence Offenses Drug Offenses Drug Possession Expungements Felony Offenses Grand Theft Hit and Run Manufacturing Marijuana Misdemeanor Offenses Petty Theft ...
Cal/OSHA Labor Code 6401.9 also defines workplace violence as an incident that involves a threat or use of a firearm or other dangerous weapon and includes the use of a common object as a weapon. Even if an employee is not injured in this case, this is a reportable incident. Workplace ...
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During 1995-1996, 27% of recorded injury-related deaths in California involved firearms (California Department of Health Services [CDHS], unpublished data, 1995-1996). In 1996, CDHS began passive surveillance of "severe" firearm-related injuries (i.e., resulting in death or hospitalization) wit...