If a booking document lists a law within the Vehicle Code, then that is the law that the driver is suspected of violating. What does “PC” stand for in a booking document? PC and CPC are abbreviations for “Penal Code.” California’s Penal Code is a collection of statutes that set ...
Driver 23109B Exhibition Of Speed 14601 Driving On Suspended 23110 Person Throwing Objects License At Vehicles 20001 Hit & Run Causing 23152 Driving While Intox Bodily Injury 23153 Felony Drunk-Driving, Injury 20002A Hit & Run Causing Involved Property Damage 23222 Open Liquor Container In 21453A ...
While climate appears to be the main driver of forest composition during the MCA and onset of the LIA, we argue that the opening of forest structure after 1550 C.E. was driven by TEK fires, during a time of cooler and wetter climate (Fig. 5). This is evident whether using an informed...
Availability of data and materials The data used in this study are available on Movebank (movebank.org, study name “Blue whales Eastern North Pacific 1993-2008 - Argos Data”) and are published in the Movebank Data Repository under a Creative Commons Zero license [116]. Abbreviations ARS: Are...
Abbreviations CI: confidence interval OR: Odds Ratio IRB: Institutional Review Board KPNC: Kaiser Permanente, Northern California DHS: the Danish Healthcare System NHS: National Health Service HIT: Health Information Technology.References Strandberg-Larsen M, Schiøtz ML, Frølich A: Kaiser...