In 2023, a California Dreams cast reunion was organized, but notably absent was Heidi Lenhart. She had been scheduled to attend the event and reunite with her former co-stars, but unfortunately had to cancel due to the conflict in Israel at that time affecting her immediate family. With vio...
“I’ve always been influenced by the poems Brecht wrote in the late 30s, during the Second World War, after everything had been incinerated, all the dreams and values of an entire generation destroyed, and Brecht said, ‘Well, it’s a new dark ages….how do people resist in the dark...
Jamie Aikens: Seemed like to me he found one that — it was a good fit. Susann Arsuaga fit right in at Scott's 20th high school reunion. Sandi Roberts: She danced the whole time. … They were lovely together. … He just seemed really … happy. Scott and Susa...
“I’ve always been influenced by the poems Brecht wrote in the late 30s, during the Second World War, after everything had been incinerated, all the dreams and values of an entire generation destroyed, and Brecht said, ‘Well, it’s a new dark ages….how do people resist in the dark...
“I’ve always been influenced by the poems Brecht wrote in the late 30s, during the Second World War, after everything had been incinerated, all the dreams and values of an entire generation destroyed, and Brecht said, ‘Well, it’s a new dark ages….how do people resist in the dark...