The California courts have a self-help webpage on legally changing a name. There's a part about filing the name change where it says, "The clerk will stamp your forms with "Filed," keep the original, and return the copies to you," which means the clerk can provide copies. Also, in...
A few days afterwards, the Court rejects the Judgment forms indicating that there is no Proof of Service as to any and all occupants. How should I address a second proof of service and which proof of service should I file..Please help.
Help is here for children who have been abused. Reach out and connect to know you are not alone. Someone who cares is here for you. Learn More Priority: Child Safety We believe a child when they say they are being abused. Will you?
Hough, B. R. (2003, June). Description of California Courts' Programs for Self-Represented Litigants. Retrieved January, 2016, from http://www.courts.
entriesonmanylegaltopics.Chapter10:BibliographyofSelf-HelpResourcesincludesan extensivelistofself-helpbooksandWebsites,includingnumerousNoloPress publications,arrangedbysubjectarea. AnotherexcellentresourceistheCaliforniaJudicialCouncil’sCaliforniaCourtsWeb site.TheCaliforniaJudicialCouncilcreatedtheCaliforniaCourtsOnlineSelf...
(California Board of Legal Specialization) and the founder of Gusdorff Law, offers a unique perspective and approach to appellate law, having exclusively handled writs and appeals since 2006. Her combination of creative and forthright advocacy gives her clients an advantage in the appellate courts ...
The current firing of hundreds of “probationary” workers or recent hires responsible from radar, landing and in-air navigation and control automation from air traffic control towers courts systematic disfunction remind us America increasingly is Chinatown, a site of corruption where everyone does as ...
We and you hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts for such purpose and waive any objection to such courts on any basis, including without limitation improper venue or inconvenience of the forum. 7. Time Limitation for Filing Suit. You agree that regardless...
In either case, the courts may order the impoundment of your vehicle. It should also be noted that the state of California will suspend your vehicle registration under these circumstances: The Department of Motor Vehicles is notified that your insurance policy has been canceled, and a replacement...
Home/Case of the Week The B-9 File Guide to American Courts About Courtweek Archives: 2011 November 1, 2011The Law of Post-Halloween Legal Standards Today is All Saints Day or All Hallows, a holy day of obligation for some. To others, it's just the day after Halloween -- a day ...