California Air Resources Board Finalizes Cap and Trade RegulationJon Costantino
3. California adopts "cap-and-trade" system Associated Press - 21 October [J] . Environment watch . 2011,第271期 机译:加州采用“总量管制与交易”制度美联社-10月21日 4. THE CALIFORNIA STATE MINING AND GEOLOGY BOARD: REGULATION OF MINE RECLAMATION IN CALIFORNIA [C] . Stephen M. Testa...
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California regulator ARB will evaluate the role of the state’s cap-and-trade programme in hitting more ambitious GHG reduction goals as part of the agency’s updated Scoping Plan modelling, a conference heard Monday. A Carbon Pulse subscription is required to read this content.Subscribe today to...
SACRAMENTO (CBS SF/ AP) -- California lawmakers have voted to extend the state's landmark law to combat climate change after hours of fraught debate and days of direct appeals from Gov. Jerry Brown. With Brown's signature, California's cap-and-trade program will survive through 2030. The...
Green groups, utilities advocate for Emissions Containment Reserve in California cap-and-trade reforms Published 22:04 on July 13, 2023 / Last updated at 22:04 on July 13, 2023 /Matthew Lithgow/Americas,Canada,US A Carbon Pulse subscription is required to read this content.Subscribe today to ...
Air quality associated public health co-benefit may emerge from climate and energy policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the distribution of these co-benefits has not been carefully studied, despite the opportunity to tailor mitigation efforts so they achieve maximum bene...
The first one, the Cap & Trade, is being developed closely with California (the CARB). The objective is to link the systems together in a regional North American carbon market. For more information please refer to Program Design and Implementation | Our Work | WCI, Inc. (, ...
Under its cap-and-trade system, California began compliance offset protocols in 2012. The California Air Resources Board (ARB) issues offset credits worth one metric tonne of CO2-equivalent emissions to registered projects in the United States that reduce, mitigate, or sequester GHG. The California...
On 28 November 2017, Ontario has published final amendments to its cap-and-trade regulation in order to enable the linking of its cap-and-trade program with the programs of California and Québec. The three jurisdictions have agreed on linking their cap-and-trade programs,...