The program thus is positioned to be at the forefront of environmental market experimentation in North America. By further linking to the Western Climate Initiative (WCI), a regional cap-and-trade system that includes several Canadian provinces, the State of California cap-and-trade system will ...
California is considering the adoption of a cap-and-trade regulatory mechanism for regulating the greenhouse gas emissions from electricity and perhaps other industries. Two options have been widely discussed for implementing cap-and-trade in the electricity industry. The first is to regulate the emiss...
Carbon offsets are widely promoted as a strategy to lower the cost of emission reductions, but recent findings suggest that offsets may not causally reduce emissions by the amount claimed. In a compliance market, offsets increase net emissions if they do
Debra Kahn,E&E News
OPIS Cap and Trade Pricing Information On August 1, 2014, OPIS began providing price discovery for the California carbon market in its U.S. West Coast Spot Market Report, estimating the impact of the state’s cap-and-trade regulations on transportation fuels delivered at the rack level. This...
Changes Sought to California Cap-and-Trade.Changes Sought to California Cap-and-Trade.California's legislative analyst says lawmakers should modify the state's cap-and-trade law on greenhouse emissions to ease spending restrictions on the program's revenues.WebsterKeeley...
An examination of the effect of California's cap-and-trade program on wholesale electricity prices in the Western Interconnection finds that the CO2price is fully captured by California electricity prices, but also by prices at the Mid-Columbia hub in the Pacific Northwest. This occurs because, ...
An expert panel is urging California policymakers to strengthen the state’s greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program to help achieve climate objectives, finding in part that because regulated entities have already banked hundreds of millions of credits for future use, they are unlikely to be required ...
Rules for the design of the long-awaited Californian greenhouse gas cap-and-trade scheme have been adopted unopposed by the state's regulator, the Air Resources Board.1 The scheme is part of a framework of regulatory and market mechanisms under the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006...