But a budget shortfall could complicate California’s resistance efforts. Early budget projections show the state could face a $2 billion deficit next year, according to a report released last week by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office. That’s an improvement from an estimated $46.8 bil...
To proponents, the tax policy offers a crucial way to boost state revenues, staving off cuts to social services, public transit and health care amid projections of a$223 million structural deficitfor the fiscal year that starts July 1. Legislation proposing an extra tax on the top 1% of sta...
“California’s progressive tax system, where nearly half of all personal income tax in the state is paid by the top 1% of earners, has contributed to extreme budget volatility over the years,” the May revision says. “Maintaining budget stability requires long-term plannin...
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recipe for digging the state out of a multi-billion dollar budget hole has “strengths and weaknesses” while his revenue projections are “plausible, but optimistic,”the nonpartisan analyst’s office representing the Legislaturesaid today. Thank you for reading this post, ...
Per the 2023 Project Update Report, there are significant inflationary pressures which will cause budget increases. The Authority reports that the cost increases projected are in line with other HSR project cost increases (e.g., the UK "HS2" HSR rail project, and the Gateway Project in the ...
and the performance show clearly did not require a very high production budget, I have to agree with the article, that removing the characters from the park is kind of a short-sighted move. Not only were they the leads in one of the highest grossing movies of all time, but they are pr...
With a budget of only $2.8 million, the water agency anticipates having to raise money for outreach consultants to support engineers with an entirely new role: educating people about saving water. “Maybe the community rises and really gets a water conservation mind, and we’re seen as...
The 2023 State budget just passed requires 90% energy generation from renewable sources by 2030, but also rolls back the closure of the nuclear plants at Diablo Canyon, which were scheduled to be mothballed by the year 2025, but only to 2030, the target date for the 90% change t...
The set-aside allocation was fixed in advance at 0.5% of CARB's annual allowance budget in 2013–2014, and at 0.25% in 2015–2020. No set-aside was authorized beyond 2020, and the remaining balance of allowances in the reserve is expected to be depleted in 2023. (Center for Resource ...
“Big businesses haven’t been paying the true cost of unemployment for decades,” said Alissa Anderson, a senior policy fellow at the California Budget & Policy Center, who said she plans to speak with Portantino’s office about the issue. Anderson added that shifting unemployment insurance d...