California voters approved a tough-on-crime ballot initiative that would strengthen penalties for some theft- and drug-related crimes, delivering a rebuke to the progressive policies that had made the state a national leader on racial justice and rehabilitation. Prop...
Today eligible voters can register to vote online and by mail. California requires all counties to mail voters a ballot ahead of an election. Voters can return them by mail or drop them off at a ballot box or voting center, or they can vote in person...
They allowed ballots to be mailed to everyone, allowed people to “cure” ballots with issues (such as forgetting to sign the ballot), eliminated signature requirements, used unguarded drop boxes. This, in Eastman’s analysis, makes those votes illegal. His remedy: Throw those votes out (...
California voters must reject mental health ballot measure (opinion) - CalMatters Proposition 1 will take community services away as the state diverts funding to 'solve' homelessness...don't fall for the bull! We've heard this record before with massive bond measures that don't produce ...
Like his nephew Edward Creely, John took his political cues from where he was at: a dense, socially intertwined neighborhood where the electorate were met at the polling place on election day by a prepared ballot, or ticket, and a ballot box guarded by “…the watchful eye of party workers...
And if motorcycles were outlawed by ballot initiative in California, I’d laugh. After all, it isn’t up to the individual to argue with the law, right? todd says March 8, 2009 at 5:06 pm So far JoeKing has failed to prove me and my sources (and many, many others if you just...
With many California voters vexed over crime rates and drug abuse, the ballot measure could also turn out those who aren’t typically interested in voting, said Wesley Hussey, professor of political science at California State University, Sacramento. Some of California’s contested races could be ...