The California state lemon law statute provides for specific remedies in California Lemon Law cases... Your California Lemon Law rights allow you to file a lemon law claim anytime during... What are the consumer's lemon law rights when trying to resolve
Auto lemon laws. Find out what the auto Lemon Law is in your State. See how your State Lemon Law Statute defines what a lemon auto is, and if your auto qualifies as a Lemon by its warranty repair history. Links to auto attorneys by State.
As a California resident… these are your rights under ourCalifornia lemon law! Under the California lemon law, you have the right to… Hire a lemon law lawyer that has an on-staffAuto Expert, Randy Sottileas this is a critical resource in pursuing automobile manufacturers. You can call or...
We receive legal fees and costs from the automobile manufacturer. When ourCalifornia lemon lawwas enacted, the statute included a "reasonable attorneys fees and costs" provision. This means that the automobile manufacturer is responsible to pay us monies for our attorney’s fees (time) and costs...
California’s Lemon Law is codified in California Civil Code,Section 1793.2. This statute protects consumers who purchase defective vehicles that cannot be repaired after a reasonable number of attempts or within a reasonable amount of time. The California Lemon Law provides protection for those who ...
Your attorney?s fees and costs are paid by the automobile manufacturer. Your representation in almost all cases is free. There is no retainer fee. There is no risk. What kinds of vehicles can qualify for relief under the California lemon law, and be potential candidates for a lemon law cas...
” Consumers can be mislead that this is the “opening” or “start” of a legal California lemon law case. It is NOT. A “case number” is often nothing more than a reference number to the consumer that allows the automobile manufacturer to establish a numerical file on the consumer ...
lemon law was designed to protect consumers from the self-serving actions of automobile manufacturer’s that, in the guise of “customer satisfaction”, will take whatever steps they can to “derail” a vehicle owners efforts to utilize the protections afforded by our California lemon law statute...
California Lemon Law Attorneys 411 N. Central Ave. Suite 230 Glendale, California. 91203 (1-800-225-3666) lemon, law, buyback, California, repurchase, consumer, warranty, automobile, vehicle, branded title, disclosure, attorney, state, information, statute, information...
Do you own a new (or used under BMW factory warranty) 3 series, 5 series, Z3, Z4, X3, X5, X6, M series, 6 series or 7 series that has had repeated symptoms/problems... you may have a BMW vehicle that qualifies for coverage under California’s Lemon Law..