Catalan: Museu d’Art del Comtat de Los Angeles Chinese: 洛杉矶县立艺术博物馆 Chinese: 洛杉磯縣立藝術博物館 Chinese: 洛杉磯縣藝術博物館 Chinese: 洛杉磯郡藝術博物館 Czech: LACMA Czech: Losangeleské muzeum umění Danish: Los Angeles County Museum of Art Dutch: LACMA Dutch: Los Angeles County...
1 Art Resource 保罗盖蒂博物馆 - J. Paul Getty Center Museum 从洛杉矶市区驱车往西,到加州405号州际高速公路后向北不远就可以看到绵延不断的圣莫尼卡山脉,在山上海拔881英尺高的山崖处矗立着一群奇特的建筑,这就是闻名遐尔的Paul Getty Center...
Laguna Art Museum La Brea Tar Pits & Museum(Advance tickets required. Visittarpits.orgto make a reservation) LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes Lincoln Memorial Shrine Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)(Advance tickets are required. Visitlacma.orgto make a reservation) The Museum of Con...
Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Getty Center Los Angeles. HOW TO JUDGE PAINTING For advice for both teachers and art students about how to assess paintings, please see: Art Evaluation: How to Appreciate Art. HOW TO JUDGE SCULPTURE
The official guide for things to do in Los Angeles County. New attractions, free things to do, fun activities for the family and more.
Other articles where Museum of Modern Art is discussed: California: Cultural institutions: …in Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (1935). The Music Center of Los Angeles County is a concert and theatre complex that was constructed d
Universal Studios Hollywood offers several exciting rides and adventures, leading to unforgettable experiences when in Los Angeles. ©Stanislav71/ The Broad A contemporary art museum located in Downtown Los Angeles,The Broadboasts an extensive collection of modern and contemporary art. ...
艺术爱好者们可以沉浸在世界级的艺术馆中,如 2015 年在洛杉矶开业的布罗德当代艺术博物馆 (The Broad Contemporary Art Museum) 和修缮一新的旧金山现代艺术博物馆 (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)。巴尔波亚公园 (Balboa Park) 是圣地亚哥的皇冠之珠,内有十几个不同的博物馆,是美国最大的城市文...
The official guide for things to do in Los Angeles County. New attractions, free things to do, fun activities for the family and more.