Plant-scale tests were run in October 1987 and October 1988 to evaluate the ability of the 26.3-m3/s (600-mgd) Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant (LAAFP) to treat one of the source waters -- California State project water (SPW) -- used by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern ...
From 1955 to 1972, the California Aqueduct, and other regional and local water-delivery and flood-control structures, have been documented to have costs related to subsidence of over USD 1.3 billion [24]. Although pumping regulations are being implemented, it may be discovered that more strict ...
Figure 1: A Sacramento perch(Archoplites interruptus)caught at Lake Crowley in Mono County, California. Lake Crowley is a reservoir built in 1941 for storage along the Los Angeles Aqueduct. High elevation, cold waters provide quality habitat for a robust population of Sacramento perch. Photo by ...
[26] Or, across the Sierras, perhaps Landscape Parliaments might grip onto the salty banks of the overdrawn Mono Lake, stripped of inflows that are gravity-fed southbound along the Los Angeles Aqueduct. Or, as traditional zoological gardens become less and less defensible, Things might colonize ...
The water projects include a system of reservoirs to store water (principally, Shasta and Oroville), two pumping stations located in the south Delta near Tracy, and canals to deliver the water (principally, the California Aqueduct and the Delta-Mendota Canal). Both of these biological opinions ...
Plant-scale tests were run in October 1987 and October 1988 to evaluate the ability of the 26.3-m3/s (600-mgd) Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant (LAAFP) to treat one of the source waters -- California State project water (SPW) -- used by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern ...
The proposed facility is an extension of the Folsom‐South Canal, which would allow water to be conveyed from the American River below Folsom Reservoir into New Melones Reservoir on the Stanislaus River or into the California Aqueduct. Model results indicate that extension of the Folsom‐South ...
has long planned to transfer water away from their pumping stations through a pipeline they would construct in the right-of-way on the Arizona and California railroad line that travels from Cadiz to the Colorado River aqueduct. As much as the public discourse surrounding the water transfer has ...
California State Water ProjectCalifornia Aqueduct