Nevada CityCategories: city in the United States and locality Location: Nevada County, Gold Country, California, United States, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude39.2626° or 39° 15' 45" north Longitude-121.0187° or 121° 1' 7" west Population2,860 Elevation755 metres (2,...
The Sierra Nevada region of California is its alpine region, covering a large portion of the state's inland territory. Mapcarta, the open map.
Map of California Cities and RoadsADVERTISEMENT City Maps for Neighboring States:Arizona Nevada Oregon CaliforniaSatellite ImageCaliforniaon a USA Wall MapCalifornia Delorme AtlasCalifornia on Google EarthCalifornia Cities:Cities with populations over 10,000 include: Anaheim, Apple Valley, Bakersfield, ...
United States General Land Office
The state's extremely diverse geography ranges from the Pacific Coast and metropolitan areas in the west to the Sierra Nevada mountains in the east, and from the redwood and Douglas fir forests in the northwest to the Mojave Desert in the southeast. Two-thirds of the nation's earthquake risk...
The Hart Peak 1:24,000-scale quadrangle is located about 12 km southwest of Searchlight, Nevada, comprehending the eastern part of the Castle Peaks, California, and most of the Castle Mountains and the northwestern part of the Piute Range, in California and Nevada. The Castle Peaks area const...
ALL of Southern Nevada NEW:Voyager Pro support! California Trail Map is a GPS map of trails and dirt roads on public land. Trails are color coded to indicate if regulations permit hiking, biking, horseback or off-roading. The vast majority of the trail data is unavailable on any other digi...
Death ValleySand dunes at Death Valley National Monument, California. California is bounded by the U.S. state ofOregonto the north, by the states ofNevadaandArizonato the east, by the Mexican state ofBaja Californiato the south, and by thePacific Oceanto the west. From the rainy northern ...
California Map Shows Areas Most at Risk of Freezing•Jan. 30, 2025, 8:09 AM ET (Newsweek) San Joaquin Valley, California San Joaquin Valley,valleyin centralCalifornia, U.S., the southern part of the state’svastCentral Valley. Lying between theCoast Ranges(west) and theSierra Nevada(east...
California is a land of breathtaking beauty and diverse landscapes, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Sierra Nevada mountains. Come experience the warmth of the Golden State spirit — where all dreams are welcome. Explore California Now Now’s the time for a Golden State getaway—great ...