This article considers the wisdom of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to increase spending on health, education, and $68 billion in bonds over 10 years to finance several capital projects. Democratic State Treasur...
must be nice - to be Head of the state in debt 1 trillion as California is - but plan to spend another billion of other people's money rather than using that to pay down 1/1,000 of the debt. But maybe that billion isn't real money but rather just more borrowed debt on top of ...
California Markets $1.1 Billion in Debt.The article reports on the sale of about 1.1 billion dollars worth of taxable and tax-exempt debt from California in October 2009. It notes that the sale forms part of a 4.5 billion, long-term borrowing initiative from the state in which the tax-...
To date, the company has financed over 628,000+ borrowers with over 115+ billion in loan volume within the 20 years of existence in the United States. To qualify for a purchase or refinance loan at AmeriSave Mortgage, you must be at least 18 years old, have a minimum credit score of ...
The overspending caught up with him when the subprime recession hit, budget deficits ballooned and he increased taxes a record $13 billion in 2009. He left office commuting the murder sentence of the son of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, enraging the victim’s family. Click here to read ...
Contributions to CalBusPAC will aid California employers in preparing for future ballot battles. March 2024 Ballot Proposition 1: Support Authorizes $6.38 Billion in Bonds to Build Mental Health Treatment Facilities for Those With Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges; Provides Housing for the ...
of the tax-exempt portion and 31% of the taxable debt, less than half the demand seen at the state’s short-term note sale last month. On Thursday, the amount of tax-exempt debt remained at $1.3 billion, while the state told investors that $2.9 billion in taxable debt would be sold...
The proposal by some lawmakers and the Debt Free Justice coalition to eliminate the fees entirely could cost about twice as much. Senate leaders endorsed that plan in their budget proposals last month, as they announced an unprecedented $68 billion projected budget surplus. Too poor for ticke...
's close win could signal more trouble ahead for Democratic leaders in Sacramento, who are still debating on which bond measures will make it to the November ballot. Lawmakers are considering a slew of bond proposals for housing, climate change and schools that could tally up to $80...
Oct. 10 (Bloomberg)— California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will know within a month whether a $1.1 billion drop in revenue collections is part of a growing budget shortfall or an isolated event, his budget spokesman said.Revenue in the three months ended Sept. 30 was 5.3 percent less than...