在启动容器之后访问管理端可能出现需要配置Database Configuration,然后填入/books目录之后还是报错: DB Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path image 一般遇到这个问题主要是/books目录下缺少一个metadata.db空的数据库文件,其实docker启动calibre-web的时候会自动下载空的metadata.db文件,不过github经常性卡壳...
在启动容器之后访问管理端可能出现需要配置Database Configuration,然后填⼊/books⽬录之后还是报错:DB Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path image ⼀般遇到这个问题主要是/books⽬录下缺少⼀个metadata.db空的数据库⽂件,其实docker启动calibre-web的时候会⾃动下载空的metadata.db⽂件,...
msgid "Database Settings updated" msgstr "" #: cps/admin.py:1925 msgid "Database Configuration" msgstr "" #: cps/admin.py:1940 cps/web.py:1294 msgid "Oops! Please complete all fields." msgstr "" #: cps/admin.py:1949 msgid "E-mail is not from valid domain" msgstr ...
Configuration Errors: Ensure that your Calibre database is compatible and properly formatted. Refer to the Calibre documentation for guidance on maintaining the database. Performance Problems: If the application is slow, consider increasing the allocated resources (CPU/RAM) to your server or optimizing...
Configuration Errors: Ensure that your Calibre database is compatible and properly formatted. Refer to the Calibre documentation for guidance on maintaining the database. Performance Problems: If the application is slow, consider increasing the allocated resources (CPU/RAM) to your server or optimizing...
Regardless of the method you used to create the Calibre Web container, the configuration process is largely the same, as all you have to do is: Typeadminas theUsernameandadmin123as thePassword. Click on theFoldericon under theDatabase Configurationheader. ...
Your calibre database is defect. Please try to perform a library repair from within calibre itself 参考链接 本地图书管理:通过calibre-web打造个人在线书城 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39366927/article/details/123013413 GitHub - Technosoft2000/docker-calibre-web: Docker image for Calibre Webhttps://gith...
Calibre-Web is a web app providing a clean interface for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks using an existing Calibre database. It is also possible to integrate google drive and edit metadata and your calibre library through the app itself. 🛠️ SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS - Library Setup: On...
[INFO] The mapped volume for /books contains a Calibre database file 'metadata.db' which will be used [INFO] The kindlegen directory exist already and will be used: /calibre-web/kindlegen [INFO] Kindlegen application exists already in directory: /calibre-web/kindlegen [INFO] kindlegen (Amazon...
Configuration Errors: Ensure that your Calibre database is compatible and properly formatted. Refer to the Calibre documentation for guidance on maintaining the database. Performance Problems: If the application is slow, consider increasing the allocated resources (CPU/RAM) to your server or optimizing...