**保存项目**: - 在电子书编辑器窗口中,定期点击“File”(文件)菜单下的“Save”(保存)或“Save As...”(另存为...)来保存你的工作进度。 2. **导出电子书**: - 完成编辑后,点击“File”(文件)菜单下的“Export to disk...”(导出到磁盘...)。 - 在弹出的对话框中选择你想要导出的电子书格式(...
Save single format to disk: Allow choosing the book cover as the format to save 关闭小贴事:2092395 Option to show a button to access all available actions from the status bar in Preferences->Look & feel->Main interface Bug修复 Read aloud: Fix no audio produced when text contains <3 and...
您可以选择是否让Calibre将单个目录中存在的所有文件添加到单个帐簿记录或多个帐簿记录。Calibre假设每个目录包含一本书。假定目录中的所有电子书文件都是不同格式的同一本书。此操作与:ref:`保存到磁盘 <save_to_disk_multiple>`操作相反,即您可以在:guilabel:`保存到磁盘`删除书籍,然后在每个目录的单个书籍模式下...
您可以选择是否让Calibre将单个目录中存在的所有文件添加到单个帐簿记录或多个帐簿记录。Calibre假设每个目录包含一本书。假定目录中的所有电子书文件都是不同格式的同一本书。此操作与:ref:`保存到磁盘 <save_to_disk_multiple>`操作相反,即您可以在:guilabel:`保存到磁盘`删除书籍,然后在每个目录的单个书籍模式下...
步骤如下:选中想要重新加载的文件→保存至硬盘(save to disk)→保存至单一文件夹(save to disk in a single folder)→重新导入文件→使用Find Duplicates插件查重→按修改日期排序,删除较早修改日期的重复文件即可。 Find duplicates插件见插件论坛页面:https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131017 ...
Save single format to disk: Allow choosing the book cover as the format to save 解决的问题: 2092395Option to show a button to access all available actions from the status bar in Preferences->Look & feel->Main interface Bug修复 Read aloud: Fix no audio produced when text contains <3 and...
此操作是“保存到磁盘 <save_to_disk_multiple>”的反操作,换句话说,您可以先“保存到磁盘”,然后删除书籍,接着重新用每个目录单个书籍模式添加回来,除日期外不会丢失任何信息(假设您没有更改保存到磁盘操作的任何设置)。 从存档 (ZIP/RAR) 添加多本书:允许您添加存储在所选 ZIP 或 RAR 文件中的多本电子书...
2. Save to disk in a single folder: Saves the selected books to disk in a single folder. Para 1. e 2., todos os formatos disponíveis, assim como seus metadatos, são armazenados no disco para cada livro selecionado. Metadados são armazenados em um arquivo OPF. Livros salvos ...
msgid "Save" msgstr "" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:239 msgid "Keyword" msgstr "" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:240 msgid "Search keyword" msgstr "" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:246 msgid "Click the cover to load metadata to the form" msgstr "" #: cps/...
The database view also supports filtering by searching on themetadata. You can perform advanced searching on individual metadata fields by clicking the advanced search button to the left of the search bar. You can export subsets of the books in your collection by using the Save to disk button...