→ 选择对应 skip_ascii_text_plugin.zip 压缩包 → 点击确认即可 → 如果有提示选择安装到哪个位置,选择主工具栏(main toolbar) 卸载只需把上述步骤的从文件里加载插件(Load Plugin from file) 换成移除插件(Remove plugin)即可。 卸载后插件功能自动失效。 如果重新安装会继承卸载前的配置状态。卸载前是关闭状态...
Choose the type of computer on which you plan to use calibre, below: Learn how to work with calibre on a mobile phone/tablet Signatures for all the calibre installer files arehere
From Releases To add this plugin, go to the latestreleaseand download the file that looks likecalibre_annas_archive-vx.x.x.zipwhere the x's are the version number, then in Calibre go toPreferences > Plugins, clickLoad plugin from fileand select your downloaded zip file. ...
Run Calibre, navigate to "Preferences" on the top of Calibre's interface. Click "Preferences">>>"Plugin". Then click "Load plugin from file" button in the pop-up window and select your already downloaded Calibre plugin file "DeDRM_plugin.zip" to it. Then it will come up a window asks...
To remove Kobo DRM, Obok_plugin.zip is what you should add to your Calibre. If you still haven't install Calibre, please download and install it at first. 1 Run Calibre and then click "Preference">>"Plugins">>"Load plugin from file". 2 Select Obok_plugin.zip from your computer and...
ffi.load: libs/libzstd.so.1 01/06/25-10:57:08 INFO Looking for plugins in directory: plugins 01/06/25-10:57:25 INFO opening file /mnt/us/koreader/books/Bill Bryson - The Body_ A Guide for Occupants.epub CRE: font NotoSerifKR regular: updated weight from 500 to 400 ...
Calibre E-Book Management Click to watch calibre demo Download calibreGet involved
plugin-import-name-interface_demo.txt 一个空文本文件,用于启用多文件插件魔法。 该文件必须存在于使用多个 .py 文件的所有插件中。 它应该为空,并且文件名必须采用以下形式:plugin-import-name-**some_name**.txt。 该文件的存在允许您使用如下语句从 ZIP 文件内的 .py 文件导入代码: from calibre_plugins....
a. If I pause Kaspersky again and attempt the metadata download the metadata down load fails. b. If I delete the Calibre Portable program and reinstall then I still cannot download the metadata with Kaspersky enabled or disabled. Can you please assist... Thanks...
File "", line 259, in load_module File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\__init__.py", line 16, in ImportError: cannot import name 'QT_VERSION' from 'PyQt5.Qt' (C:\PortableApps\calibrePortable\App\Calibre\app\bin\pyqt5.Qt.pyd) --- OK --- I'm running Windows 10 Pro x64 2004 Than...