请注意,文件对象是 SpooledTemporaryFile,因此如果您想要将格式复制到另一个文件,请使用“copy_format_to”代替以提高性能。 as_path -- 将格式文件复制到临时文件并返回临时文件的路径 preserve_filename -- 如果为 True 并返回路径,则文件名与库中使用的文件名相同。 请注意,使用此方法意味着重复调用会产生相同...
test_prints_nothing_if_no_errors (calibre.db.cli.tests.PrintCheckLibraryResultsTest.test_prints_nothing_if_no_errors) ... ok [0.0 s] test_copying_of_trees (calibre.utils.copy_files_test.TestCopyFiles.test_copying_of_trees) ... ok [0.0 s] test_renaming_of_files (calibre.utils.copy_fil...
calibredb add --with-library /path/to/library nytimes.epub 你还可以进一步使用 Calibre 的内容服务器功能在其他设备上访问下载好的新闻。 存入网盘:如果你是在远程服务器上运行 Calibre 下载新闻,那么更实际的方法或许是直接把下载好的电子书存进网盘。这可以通过 rclone 来实现。该工具支持包括 Dropbox、OneDrive...
Fix the data files associated with a book not being handled when using the Merge books and Copy to library functions 关闭小贴事: 2017373 Fix a regression in the previous release that broke some operations in the Manage tags/authors/etc. dialogs Ensure metadata.opf is always written when de...
- [2017373] Fix the data files associated with a book not being handled when using the Merge books and Copy to library functions - Fix a regression in the previous release that broke some operations in the Manage tags/authors/etc. dialogs ...
You should not use path unless you absolutely have to, since accessing it directly breaks the threadsafe guarantees of this API. Instead use the copy_format_to() method. Parameters: allow_cache –If True cached values are used, otherwise a slow filesystem access is done. The cache values ...
Fix the data files associated with a book not being handled when using the Merge books and Copy to library functions Closes tickets: 2017373 Fix a regression in the previous release that broke some operations in the Manage tags/authors/etc. dialogs Ensure metadata.opf is always written when...
sudo -i apt update apt install pipx -y pipx install library ln -s /root/.local/bin/lb /usr/local/bin/lbInstead of the above 2 lines, this can also work: (but if so, remember to prepend every subsequent pipx command with PIPX_HOME=/opt/pipx PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin)PIPX...
4) Select "Move current library to new location", then press OK 5) Wait for cloud sync to complete. 6) Then you are ready to use Calibre Sync. To move your Calibre library to your phone storage, just copy the library directory to your phone storage. ...
1 Just copy all the data from your Calibre Library folder and then store them to the new new folder. Remember to copy the metadata.db file because it stores all the metadata of your ebooks. 2 Go to Calibre>>Calibre Library menu>> Switch/Create Library....