calibre-server 现在在主服务器中设置虚拟主机,例如nginx:: http{client_max_body_size64M;# needed to upload large books}server{listen[::]:80;;location/{proxy_passhttp://;}} 或者,对于Apache:
一种是在calibre里面点击工具栏的connect /share ---> start content server, 然后在kindle3的浏览器当中输入地址http://x.x.x.x:8080, x.x.x.x是calibre所在机器的ip,点击书籍对应的mobi链接,下载到kindle中去。 另外一种就是用usb线连上kindle,在calibre当中选择书籍,选择右键,send to device, 已经传好...
StopContentserver[,port8080] These numbers tell you what address to use to connect to the server in your devices. Following the example above, the address becomes: The first part of the address is alwayshttp://the next part is the IP address, which is...
2. Connect Calibre Companion to Content Server Tap "CONNECT > to Content Server". Then the index of the content server will display. Choose any tag to check the books from Calibre Library. And tap any book to download or show the metadata. The books that have been in the Calibre Companio...
calibre 工具栏: connect/share -> start content server。 kindle: home, 右上角 -> experimental browser,通过wifi访问你calibre建立的www服务器。 或者不用 send to device,而用 save to disk. 赞 回应 B.K.君 楼主 2014-07-14 08:30:13 calibre 工具栏: connect/share -> start conten...
The Content server allows you to wirelessly browse your calibre books on any modern phone/tablet and even read the books right in your phone browser. The books are stored in off-line storage on the phone so you do not have to keep calibre running or have an always on internet connection ...
管理设备 常见问答 搜索图书 正版特惠 查询型号 查询参数 移除DRM 越狱教程 越狱插件 整理书摘 Kindle 应用下载 Android iOS Windows macOS Kindle 官方客服 在线客服 |点击直达(需登录账号) * 亚马逊为 Kindle 提供了良好的售后服务,如遇到无法自行解决的问题,建议联系其官方客服。以上联系方式来自亚马逊官方网站,与本...
管理设备 常见问答 搜索图书 正版特惠 查询型号 查询参数 移除DRM 越狱教程 越狱插件 整理书摘 Kindle 应用下载 Android iOS Windows macOS Kindle 官方客服 在线客服 |点击直达(需登录账号) * 亚马逊为 Kindle 提供了良好的售后服务,如遇到无法自行解决的问题,建议联系其官方客服。以上联系方式来自亚马逊官方网站,与本...
You can connect to calibre using just Safari on the iDevice, and manage your collection and even read books in the browser, using the calibre Content server. To learn how to do this, see the User Manual.© Kovid Goyal Feed of new releases Design by Centresource Interactive Agency...
calibre-server by using the --enable-auth option and using --manage-users to create the user accounts. If you are running the server from the main calibre program, use Preferences → Sharing over the net → Require username/password. To connect to a running Content server, pass ...