关键词 GC–MS仪;校准;色谱参数 中图分类号:O657.63文献标识码:A文章编号:1008–6145(2014)04–0076–03 RapidMethodofChromatographicParametersSettingforCalibrationofGC–MS ChenHui,ZhangBeibei,ZhanJunxiong (TheFifthElectronicsResearchInstituteofMinistryofIndustryandInformationTechnology,Guangzhou 510610) Abstract Ara...
Bayesian artificial neural networks (BANNs) are trained with output from a GCM and used as emulators of the full model to allow a computationally efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling of the posterior for the GCM parameters calibrated against seasonal climatologies of temperature, ...
The Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm is used to estimate the parameters in the Noah model, and soil hydraulic parameters are also estimated by soil texture components to evaluate the sensitivity of model hydraulic parameters in simulating soil moisture and soil temperature. The results show that so...
Bayesian artificial neural networks (BANNs) are trained with output from a GCM and used as emulators of the full model to allow a computationally efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling of the posterior for the GCM parameters calibrated against seasonal climatologies of temperature, ...
With the same parameters, RiTHM was also forced with runoff from the LMD GCM. This induced an important degradation of the simulated hydrographs, regarding both volume and timing. It was largely explained by errors in precipitation, and more generally climate, in the GCM. The direct calibration...
(MOS) calibrated hindcasts of the July–August rainfall amounts for the dry period 1980–2000 over the Sahel issued from the Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble System for Seasonal to Interannual Prediction (DEMETER) experiment, with the aim to highlight among the simulated parameters, ...
The parameters of WASMOD-D model were optimized by using the multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA). In order to wane the influences of uncertainties which are rooted in GCMs, in addition to using various models, the biases in climatic parameters (precipitation and temperature) were corrected by...
Figure 1 shows the workflow for quantifying the uncertainty in runoff simulations according to the selection of evaluation metrics and calibration data length. First, topographic and meteorological data were constructed to perform runoff simulations using the SWAT model. Then, among the parameters of the...