The resulting set of beads presents the first step towards a new platform of spectral calibration beads for the determination of the spectral characteristics of fluorescence instruments like fluorescence microscopes, FCM setups, and microtiter plate readers, thereby meeting the increasing demand for ...
Four exposures of three TetraSpeck™ beads. FluoCells™ Prepared Slides FluoCells™ prepared microscope slides contain multilabeled cell or cryosection preparations for observation by epifluorescence or confocal microscopy. Th...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook calibration curve Medical Wikipedia [′kal·ə‚brā·shən ‚kərv] (engineering) A plot of calibration data, giving the correct value for each indicated reading of a meter or control dial. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, ...
Values for 26-channels collected from emitted fluorescence from 415–910 nm ERF values for a particular channel under a specified set of instrument conditions are comparable between instruments and over time, even when different manufacturers’ calibration bea...
We also present data showing that the mean fluorescence intensity of the beads and the calculated number of fluorescent proteins on each respective bead population are distinct from each other and in a linear correlation. We also provide supporting data showing the signal stability of the calibration...
Plots show the results of localization fitting for ten beads imaged together in the same field of view, scaled to the mean intensity from the 1× measurements. Intensity values from the 5× dataset are outliers for all calibration methods except the two gain-series. The gain-series methods ...
Sphero™ brand beads, 8 peak Rainbow Calibration Beads Ave. Rating Submit a Review Product Citations 4publications Bead fluorescence at 488 nm excitation with a 530/30 BP filter (FITC channel). Cat #SizePriceQuantityCheck AvailabilitySave ...
need to be (manually) removed before reflection imaging. As high reflection intensities can damage the PMT (especially in the case of the high-power STED laser), we used low laser powers for reflection imaging and slowly increased the PMT gain until a signal from the gold beads was detected...
Independent claims are also included for: (1) calibrating the three-dimensional resolution of a measurement device, comprising using calibration sample for calibration; (2) a kit for calibration of a measuring device, preferably a measuring device for the measurement of fluorescence, preferably ...
Various functions for maintenance, calibration and validation of an automated instrument that is capable of performing multiple simultaneous assays using fluorescence detection and microscopic beads as a solid phase are provided by a single block that is inserted into the instrument in place of a sample...