Berkeley, then earned a Ph.D. in Child Psychology, and later served in various mental health and school settings. He and his wife, Maxine, have raised four children who all attended San Francisco public schools. Yee has served in the State Legislature, Board of Supervisors and Board of ...
Grover Nordquist once said of government that he would like to “get it down to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.” Would he be referring to government that’s for and by the people? Grover would cheer the Golden State plan being enacted: golden for the chosen few and a...
As I’ve said many times, unity is the great need of the hour. And there seems to be no comprehension on the part of CTA or frankly any other progressive or labor group that budget money is fungible and everything that the state does affects their single issue in one form or another....
I just got done watching Jon Stewart’s excoriaton of the South Carolina state Dems in which Dems in SC blamed Republican misdeeds for Alvin Greene’s election as their representative for the Senate. It reminded me of the accusations (excuses) hurled in by Democrats in our party for ourresu...
They are happy, obviously, cheating the state of a billion or more dollars a year that could keep teachers in jobs, the disabled out of nursing homes and parks open. Now there’s a ballot initiative, Prop 39, that’s aimed at closing the tax loophole, and one of its first public ...
California’s current and future state and local employees would pay more for their pensions under two ballot initiative proposals submitted to the state attorney general today with the intent of putting one of them to a statewide vote next year. ...
Los Angeles County Bd. of Supervisors(2nd district) –Mark Ridley-Thomas– Ridley-Thomas is the more progressive of the two candidates. He is a former L.A. City Councilman and a current State Senator. We will miss him in Sacramento, but he will make an excellent County Supervisor. He is...
If Darden moved to a nursing home, the state couldn’t take away these benefits because federal law prohibits withholding services critical to the health of the disabled. At the same time, the state acknowledges that the public cost of institutionalizing disabled people is far greater than if th...