County: Lauderdale Directions: Wood Ave to Sherrod Ave., to Calhoun Dr., Turn Right, House on Right Tax Year: 2022 Source Property Type: Residential Area: Lauderdale MLS Area Minor: Florence Source Neighborhood: Dogwood Heights Subdivision: Dogwood Heights Zoning: R1 Property Subtype: Residential ...
Figure 3.Cotton area planted (ha) and yield (kg per ha), Union County Agricultural Statistics, 1879–1949. Note: 1879–1889 were proportionally adjusted due to a change in county boundaries. The intensive land-use practices of cotton-dominated agriculture drastically altered soils and the geomorph...
Baygr1ic9u20lt,utrhael eexffpecotrst obfetawgreiecunlt1u8r4al9 and 1949. Cotton covered approximately half of Union County's fields and corn occupied a quarter, leaving one quarter of the county's fields for other crops. By 1920, the effects of agricultural improvements and material input...