Cash and Cars Lottery home by Truman delivers New York chic styling Grand prize new home in Timberline Estates supports Alberta Cancer Foundation. September 1, 2022Homes Add a splash of colour and texture to walls with hand-painted murals ...
Well, maybe your best friend has yet to buy the winning lottery ticket - Today could be YOUR lucky day! This strategically located Fairview bungalow presents its very best value with its state-of-the-art Swim SPA fitness system, a double garage, a tree house, and a gazebo, packed with ...
was the Tom Baker Cancer Center in Calgary, Alberta. He presented (赠予) the center with a 1.2-million-dollar check. 7 Christ regularly donated to the center before he won the lottery. "I'm proud of him. I wish I were half the man he is." said Tom's son, Dallas. "I'm 8 for...