• family organizer to spend time with loved ones Plan for a day, week or months ahead Plan for whatever time period you want. Choose a comfortable display mode - e.g. a day planner to see only what’s on agenda today or a weekly calendar to get prepared for a few days in advance...
XToDo is your life organizer. Say good-bye to a folder of apps and say hello to XToDo. Get more done in less time! From tasks to calendars to reminders, XToDo is a simple schedule planner that combines your life into one seamless app. With to-do lists, calendar, reminders and task...
myLife Calendar: a cool looking application you can use to get your life back in order. It has multiple views for your convenience. The app supports sticky notes. You get event management and data synchronization too. Opus Domini Mobile: this is a personal planner and daily task manager for...
12. Family Tools: Family Organizer App Cost: Free (with option to upgrade to Premium starting at $2.49/month) Best for: All types of families who need a centralized app for organizing and coordinating their family schedule Website:Family Tools iOS Link:Available in the Apple App Store Android...
Daily task organizer, agenda Viktoriia Sergeeva 5.0 • 1 Rating Free Offers In-App Purchases Description Создавайтекакпростыезадачи, такирегулярные. Пишитезаметки, создавайтесписки. Используйт...
Organizer organizer string The organizer of the event.ResponseEventWithActionTypeDetails of a single calendar event and what action changes the event. 展开表 NamePathTypeDescription Action Type actionType string Type of action which changed the event in change trigger. Title summary string A summ...
HTML link htmlLink string Unique ID of the list. Event ID id string Opaque identifier of the event. Attendees attendees string The event's attendees. Creator creator string The creator of the event. Organizer organizer string The organizer of the event.object...
EfficientPIM is a full-featured personal organizer software program that can help you organize and plan your business and private life. (Free Edition and Portable Edition Available.)
HTML リンク htmlLink string リストを表す一意の ID です。 イベント ID id string イベントの不透明な識別子。 出席者 attendees string イベントの参加者。 作成者 creator string イベントの作成者。 開催者 organizer string イベントの開催者。オブ...
Planyway is an all-in-one team planner for Trello. ***Log in with Trello and see work across multiple Trello boards from one place!*** Gain better workflow, v…