calendar-rhythm-method 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. The rhythm method, also called the calendar method or the calendar rhythm method, is a type of natural family planning. 安全期法,亦称作日历法,或日历安全期法,是一种自然避孕法©...
calendar method of birth control,rhythm method,rhythm method of birth control,rhythm natural family planning- any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs; coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle ...
Calendar Rhythm MethodVirtual Medical Centre
rhythm method rhythm method of birth control rhythm Related Words natural family planning Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmast...
Support for basal body temperatures, cervical mucus, cervix observations, ovulation test results, saliva ferning patterns, gap method temperatures, and even basic ovulation calendar or rhythm method estimates are provided. Reminders, cycle statistics, gender swaying (gender prediction), a fertility chart...
(名) As a noun Natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur 14 days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from day 10 through day 18 of her cycle). Synonyms:calendar method of birth control,rhythm,rhythm method,rhythm method of birt...
calendar rhythm method英语 标准发音:calendar rhythm method 英式发音: 美式发音: 翻译中文 日历节奏法 calendar rhythm method - 基本释义[词典1] 安全期计算法 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:calendar rhythm method 2.有道词典:calendar rhythm method 3.爱词霸:calendar rhythm method...
The calendar rhythm method is a calendar based contraceptive method which is suitable for women with irregular menstrual cycles, or those which last less than 26 or more than 32 days. Instructions: in order to use the calendar rhythm method, a woman must first monitor the length of her menstr...
The other is the haab, or Calendar Round. 另外一个称为哈伯历,或者是历法圆周。 But this calendar also had problems. 可是这种历法也有问题。 I don't see how we can fit this into the mayor's busy calendar. 我不明白我们要怎样把这件事挤进市长满满的日程表中。