If you like A TO Z MYSTERIES, you will love CALENDAR MYSTERIES, the new series by Ron Roy . The main characters are Dink's young cousin, Lucy, and Josh’s younger brothers, Brian & Bradley, and Ruth Rose's younger brother, Nate. Ron Roy has written these books especially for first a...
In the sixth book of the Calendar Mysteries - an early chapter book mystery series - Bradley, Brian, Nate, and Lucy want to make homemade strawberry jam for Father's Day. 自1974年以来,罗恩·罗伊一直在为儿童写书。他是几十本书的作者,包括著名的A到Z推理小说,资本推理小说和日历推理小说。
In the fourth book of the Calendar Mysteries--an early chapter book mystery series--it's springtime in Green Lawn, and Bradley, Brian, Lucy, and Nate are on an Easter egg hunt. 自1974年以来,罗恩·罗伊一直在为儿童写书。他是几十本书的作者,包括著名的A到Z推理小说,资本推理小说和日历推理小...
A brand-new series by Ron Roy, spun off from A to Z Mysteries! Green Lawn, we have a problem! When Bradley Pinto wakes up in the night to strange lights in his backyard, he thinks there are aliens in town. When he sees three-toed footprints in the snow, he’s sure of it. His...
内容简介:In the sixth book of the Calendar Mysteries—a new early chapter book mystery series featuring the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries detectives—Bradley, Brian, Nate and Lucy are getting ready for Father's Day. They've decided that strawberry jam from the Pintos' strawberry ...
In the second book of the Calendar Mysteries--an early chapter book mystery series --it's a Valentine's Day party! 自1974年以来,罗恩·罗伊一直在为儿童写书。他是几十本书的作者,包括著名的A到Z推理小说,资本推理小说和日历推理小说。当他不在康涅狄格州的家里写新书的时候,Ron喜欢教他的狗狗玩把戏...
Ron Roy perfectly captures the reading level and interest of the earliest chapter book readers in thisexciting spinoff of his popular A to Z Mysteries series. "From the Trade Paperback edition." 此资源代找服务价格为 7.58¥,请先记录下书单ID PPS4536 本站只提供页面展示服务,不存储任何内容。
作者:Ron Roy 书名:May Magic(Calendar Mysteries #5)《五月魔法》 简介:In the fifth book of the Calendar Mysteries—a new early chapter book mystery series featuring the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries detectives—twins Bradley and Brian Pinto are getting ready to celebrate Mother's Day...
It's a mystery every month from popular A to Z Mysteries author Ron Roy!February is for Friend...In the secondbook of the Calendar Mysteriesan early chapter book mystery series featuring the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries detectivesit's a Valentine'sDay party! Bradley is passing...
The Jazz Exchange is proud to bring live jazz to El Paso in 2025 through our “Jazz Around Town” Music Series. Partnering with local businesses, … Mar 26 Gift of Education Annual Auction March 27, 2025 Annual Events 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM 6701 Westside Dr. EL Paso Tx, 79932 The ...