Calendar - 2024 17+ A smarter way to schedule Rohit Bhayani Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description An efficient Calendar App with great utility that effortlessly combines customization, task management, reminders, holiday countdown, and personal event ...
Transform your physical calendars into digital events effortlessly with Photo2Calendar. Our AI-powered app converts calendar images to ICS files in seconds, streamlining your scheduling process.
Community Beginner , Dec 30, 2024 Copy link to clipboard Thank you for your reply. I've uploaded the vector file several times during the last year: ai, svg, eps. Always via ftp. Some times also whit a jpg for the preview. Anyway the last time the reason in "quality problem"...
Category:AI & Machine Learning Creator: @YasunaCoffee AIキャラとAITuberのことならなんでもOK! 技術記事からAIキャラへの愛のポエムなどなどお待ちしています! 2024年のAITuberをアドカレで振り返りましょう!Share on X(Twitter)Share on Facebook edit_calendarHow to join the calendar You can...
Share it with an AI chatbot likeClaude. Have Claude process all the data and give me a quick overview. Tell Claude to make changes and adjustments. Create a new ICS file using Claude. Import it into my calendar. The beauty of this system is that you can make sweeping changes to multiple...
Community Beginner , Dec 30, 2024 Copy link to clipboard Thank you for your reply. I've uploaded the vector file several times during the last year: ai, svg, eps. Always via ftp. Some times also whit a jpg for the preview. Anyway the last time the reason in "quality problem"...
Category:AI & Machine Learning Creator: @k-keita 生成AIとしてChat GPTを使用した事はあっても、使われている技術や仕組み、生成AIを実装、ライブラリとして使用など、理解する事にチャレンジした事は無いという方がほとんどだと思います。今年最後に、生成AIの技術理解や実装にチャレンジして見...
If your editor has YAML language server enabled, you can add the path at the top of this file to enable auto-completion and validation:# yaml-language-server: $schema= Documentation and Community ...
AI代码解释 privatestaticfinal StringDEBUG_TAG="MyActivity";...long calID=2;ContentValues values=newContentValues();// 该日程的新名称values.put(Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME,"Trevor's Calendar");Uri updateUri=ContentUris.withAppendedId(Calendars.CONTENT_URI,calID);int rows=getContentResolver().updat...
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