1912 Calendar Free printable calendars for 1912.Choose a month:January 1912February 1912March 1912April 1912May 1912June 1912July 1912August 1912September 1912October 1912November 1912December 1912Previous year: 1911 | Next year: 1913 | All Calendars...
Gregorian Calendar Year: 1911 Chinese Calendar Year: 4608 (Metal-Boar) Jan Feb Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat CM12 2/ 2 3/ 3 4/ 4 5/ 5 ST12 7/ 7 1/ 3 2/ 4 3/ 5 4/ 6 8/ 8 9/ 9 10/10 11/11 12/12 13/13 14/14 ST 1 6/ 8 7/ 9...
Hong Kong 1911 – Calendar with holidays. Yearly calendar showing months for the year 1911. Calendars – online and print friendly – for any year and month
1911 1971壬子 鼠 1912 1972癸丑 牛 1913 1973甲寅 虎 1914 1974乙卯 兔 1915 1975丙辰 龍 1916 1976丁巳 蛇 1917 1977 歲煞南東北西南東北西南東北西 吉神方位東南東北正北西南西北東南東北正南西南西北東南東北 喜神方位正南東南東北西北西南正南東南東北西北西南正南東南 ...
正沖 丙午 馬 1966 2026 丁未 羊 1967 2027 戊申 猴 1968 2028 己酉 雞 1969 2029 庚戌 狗 1910 1970 2030 辛亥 豬 1911 1971 壬子 鼠 1912 1972 癸丑 牛 1913 1973 甲寅 虎 1914 1974 乙卯 兔 1915 1975 丙辰 龍 1916 1976 丁巳 蛇 1917 1977 歲煞 南 東 北 西 南 東 北 西 南 東 北 西...
September, October, November & December - Hiroshige (1796-1853), Toyokuni II(1786-1864) & Kuniyoshi (1797-1801) (2 pages, 4 images) This book does not carry the T. Hasegawa imprint in English as did a very similar calendar for 1911 (here). ...
Year: 2007, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923, 1911 Month: December Hour: 21:00 – 23:00 The last sign of the Japanese zodiac, the Boar is full of genuine affection, honesty and generosity. They tend to be in genial moods most of the time as they avoid making judgments, seeing ...
One of the consequences of the 1911 Revolution in China was the political demise of the traditional Chinese calendar . As China adopted the Gregorian Calendar, the modern Western time system replaced the premodern Chinese time system. This resulted in the fracturing of the 'unified field of all...
2027 Calendar:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember[Year-On-One-Page] 2028 Calendar:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember[Year-On-One-Page] Choose any past or future year to see and print its calendars: ...
Chinese Calendars: Year 1911 to 1920Chinese Calendars: Year 1921 to 1930Chinese Calendars: Year 1931 to 1940Chinese Calendars: Year 1941 to 1950Chinese Calendars: Year 1951 to 1960Chinese Calendars: Year 1961 to 1970Chinese Calendars: Year 1971 to 1980...