Maximum and Minimum Values 最大值,最小值 定义域中,如果在x=c的时候,对应的y值是所有值里面最大的,f(c)就叫做定义域中的maximum value最大值。 同理,可以得到 minimum value最小值。 最大值,最小值 都是 extreme values 极值 例如: 这个图, f(a)为 最大值 f(d)为 最小值 但是,有的时候, 可能...
The value of the function, the value of y, at either a maximum or a minimum is called an extreme value.Now, what characterizes the graph at an extreme value?The tangent to the curve is horizontal. We see this at the points A and B. The slope of each tangent line -- the derivative...
微积分英语单词 Absolute convergence:绝对收敛 Absolute extreme values:绝对极值 Absolute maximum and minimum:绝对极大与极小 Absolute value:绝对值 Absolute value function:绝对值函数 Acceleration:加速度 Antiderivative:反导数 Approximate integration:近似积分 Approximation:逼近法 Arc length:弧长 Area:面积 Asymptote...
FINDING a maximum or a minimum (Lesson 10) has its application in pure mathematics, where for example we could find the largest rectangle that has a given perimeter. It also has its application to commercial problems, such as finding the least dimensions of a carton that is to contain a gi...
1、微积分英语单词Absolute convergence :绝对收敛Absolute extreme values :绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum :绝对极大与极小 Absolute value :绝对值Absolute value function :绝对值函数Acceleration :加速度Antiderivative :反导数Approximate integration :近似积分Approximation :逼近法Arc length :弧长Area :面积...
Chapter 13 Maxima and Minima Chapter 14 Related Rates Chapter 15 Curve Sketching (Graphs) Chapter 16 Applied Maximum and Minimum Problems Chapter 17 Rectilinear Motion Chapter 18 Approximation by Differentials Chapter 19 Ant...
8.2.2 Maximum and Minimum 8.2.3 Regions Where a Function Increases or Decreases 8.2.4 The First Derivative Test 8.2.5 Math Magic 8.3 Concavity 8.3.1 Concavity and Inflection Points 8.3.2 Using the Second Derivative to Examine Concavity
This function has minimum value f(-1)=-4 This function has maximum value f(-4)• Problem: • The Extreme Value Theorem says that a continuous function on a closed interval has a maximum value and minimum value. • But it does not tell us how to find these extreme values....
Maximum and Minimum Values The Mean Value Theorem How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph Indeterminate Froms and 1'Hospital's Rule Optimization Problems Newton's Method Antidervatives 5 Integrals Areas and Distances,The Definite Integral The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Indefinite Integrals ...
critical value临界点 ▶️Closed Interval闭区间,Extrem Value Theorem最值定理 ▶️local minimum,relative minimum局部最小,global minimum,absolute minimum绝对最小,maximum最大 ▶️intercept截距,symmetry对称,origin原点 ▶️horizontal asymptote水平渐近线,vertical asymptote垂直渐近线,points of ...