Calculus Made Easy 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 100年前的书,文风幽默,思路简化,读起来很有成就感。 评分☆☆☆ 基础 评分☆☆☆ 绝对的好书 评分☆☆☆ 难得的好书!相比之下,只能说别的微积分教材都操之过急,语焉不详,毫无趣味,它们以为初学者都懂的知识,其实初学者一点都不懂。 评分...
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THE author of this book has added many worked examples and exercises to those in his first edition; otherwise the book is but little altered and we have not much to add to the remarks we made five years ago. The motto is, What one fool can do, another can. Perhaps there may still ...
Mathematics after Calculus A full PDF of the book can be accessed directlyhere. A series of accompanying short videos titled Highlights of Calculus, demonstrating ways in which calculus is important in our lives, can be foundhere. It's true that this is far more calculus than needed simply to...
1. 2. “Calculus Made Easy” (1910 ) 3. “Essence of Calculus” (12 short videos, with Chinese subtitle) 4. [Best]“Calculus” (MIT Prof Gilbert Strang)
but this was the most fun I've had going through this kind of thing. The informal writing and multitude of great analogies really helps this become an enjoyable read and the rest is simple after that - you make this seem easy, but at the same time, you aren't doing it for us…This...
Now you know the importance of calculus to machine learning. But when learning, it is easy to take the wrong route:1. Learn calculus too earlyIt sounds cool to know calculus. And indeed, it is not difficult to learn the basics.However, you can skip learning calculus and still do well ...
Now you know the importance of calculus to machine learning. But when learning, it is easy to take the wrong route:1. Learn calculus too earlyIt sounds cool to know calculus. And indeed, it is not difficult to learn the basics.However, you can skip learning calculus and still do well ...
The diversity of the research in the field of Calculus education makes it difficult to produce an exhaustive state-of-the-art summary. We therefore focus on the main trends in the field in order to detect punctual evolutions that permit us to go beyond t
Umbral calculus refers to a series of techniques that can be used to prove some polynomial formulas. Nowadays, it mostly involves the study of Sheffer sequ