积分部由 Sal Khan讲授 ,他也是可汗学院的创办人。UP没时间翻译了,积分部是机翻的。微分部是 Grant Sanderson讲授,他是著名数学频道,3BlueBrown的频道主。微分部是我自己非官方翻译的。。微分部连接:(熟肉合集)多元微积分,微分部,3Blue1Brown Grant Sanderson讲授——可汗学院。。Khan Academy(可汗学院) YouTube...
24:19:30 Multivariable calculus Khan Academy ALGEBRACS 1.8万 49 15:01 📗3.5曲面积分 | 向量微积分 ITI学院 1199 0 7:26:46 【斯坦福大学】多元微积分(全69讲)Grant Sanderson iMuseums 2.2万 11 28:36:00 【MIT公开课】单变量微积分(中英字幕) synchronizer3 17.5万 2444 49:04 9.3 ...
Using Khan Academy Videos in Flipped Classroom Mode to Bolster Calculus Skills in Soil Physics Courses.Our experience in teaching a first course in soil physics to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Georgia, Auburn ... DE Radcliffe,T Knappenberger,ALM Daigh - 《Journal of ...
-Transformations, part 1 _ Multivariable calculus _ Khan Academy 多元微积分,搬运自Khan Academy。 Grant讲解,链接https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus
-Orientation and stokes _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy 多元微积分,搬运自Khan Academy。 Grant讲解,链接https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus
-Stokes' theorem proof part 7 _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy 多元微积分,搬运自Khan Academy。 Grant讲解,链接https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus
-Path independence for line integrals _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy 多元微积分,搬运自Khan Academy。 Grant讲解,链接https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus
-Orienting boundary with surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Khan Academy 多元微积分,搬运自Khan Academy。 Grant讲解,链接https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus
as understanding charts and rearranging simple equations — then you should be well-prepared to follow along with all of the mathematics. If you discover you have some math gaps as you work through thisML Foundationscurriculum, I recommend the free, comprehensiveKhan Academyto fill those gaps in...
And I want to find the slope. Let's say I want to find the slope at some point. And actually, before even talking about it, let's even think about what it means to find the slope of a curve. Here, the slope was the same the whole time, right? But on a curve your slope is...