8、多元函数和偏导数(Multivariable Calculus and Partial Derivatives): - 多元函数的定义和图形。 - 偏导数和全导数的概念。 - 梯度和方向导数。 9、多重积分(Multiple Integrals): - 二重积分和三重积分的定义。 - 极坐标、柱坐标和球坐标下的积分。 微积分二(Calculus II)是微积分一(Calculus I)的延伸,涵...
微积分(Calculus)_部分分式积分法(I)(Integration by Partial Fractions (I)) 1269 -- 11:57 App 微积分(Calculus)_定积分(The Definite Integral) 1035 -- 13:56 App 微积分(Calculus)_费马引理与临界点(Fermat's Theorem and Critical Points) 1740 1 9:20 App 微积分(Calculus)_积分审敛法(The Inte...
This presentation will describe and illustrate a system specifically designed to teach courses in calculus I and II. However, the concepts used for these two courses have a broad, far-reaching impact for education in mathematics and sciences. The value of the system is evident in its flexibility...
微积分(Calculus)_三角代换法(II)(Trigonometric Substitution (II)) 1223 1 13:25 App 微积分(Calculus)_部分分式积分法(I)(Integration by Partial Fractions (I)) 456 2 8:06 App 微积分(Calculus)_链锁律的应用(Applications of the Chain Rule) 698 -- 15:20 App 微积分(Calculus)_递增与递减函数(...
高等数学 I,核心课程 微积分 (Calculus) 微积分 I (单变量微积分) 微积分 II (多变量微积分) 高级微积分 线性代数 (Linear Algebra) 向量空间矩阵理论线性变换 概率论与数理统计 (Probability and Statist...
原文:Why do we need to study Differential Calculus I and Integral Calculus II? Michael Lamar,PhD in Applied Mathematics There are two things that you really need to realize if you are at the stage of life that has you wondering about the answer to this question. ...
Calculus is advanced math for high school students, but it's the starting point for math in the most selective colleges and universities. Thinkwell's Calculus online course covers both Calculus I and Calculus II, each of which is a one-semester course in college. If you plan to take the ...
名词 I .calculus[ˈkælkjʊləs]名词 calculus 微积分(学)wēijīfēn II .calculus<calculi>[ˈkælkjʊləs]名词[ˈkælkjʊlaı;ˈkælkjʊliː]医学 calculus 结石jiéshí differential calculus名词数学 differentialcalculus ...