We are not finding the measure of the inside of the figure, that would be volume, which would give an answer in cube units. Can surface area be cubed? No. Surface area measures flat surfaces. Therefore, the answer is squared. AreaGeometry CalculatorsMath Calculators...
While BMI is commonly used to determine healthy body weight, it has its limitations. It’s an estimate that doesn’t consider body composition. Because people come in various body types with different muscle, bone, and fat distributions, it’s best to use BMI alongside other measurements, not...
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When the exponent is 2 you can also say that the base value is squared. When the exponent is 3 you can say that the base value is cubed. The calculator above will handle these special cases along with negative exponents to solve the answer. Exponent Table Exponent table showing the pow...
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To convert bytes to megabytes, divide the byte value by 102421024^210242 (1024 squared). For instance, 1,048,576 bytes = 1 MB. How do I convert bytes to gigabytes (GB)? To convert bytes to gigabytes, divide the byte value by 102431024^310243 (1024 cubed). For example, 1,073,741,82...