Perform basic scientific and trigonometric functions with the TI-30Xa scientific calculator. Ideal for general math and science, pre-algebra and algebra I / II.
Really hate this calculator. Had to buy it for school because it was required, but fully recommend the TI-36X Pro instead of this. This calculator feels cheap, fragile, and easy to break. Has minimal functionality and the way it handles fractions is irritating. Horrible device. 10/10 do ...
Texas Instruments TI-30XA Student Scientific Calculator 10-Digit LCD, Black 50+ bought since yesterday Add $10.82current price $10.82Texas Instruments TI-30XA Student Scientific Calculator 10-Digit LCD, Black 5754.7 out of 5 Stars. 575 reviews Save with Texas Instruments TI-30XA Student Scientific ...
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The TI-30Xa is a basic scientific calculator manufactured by the Dallas-based technology company Texas Instruments. Although it has been replaced by more advanced technology since its introduction in the late 1990s, it's great for children to use in school or for math homework. It can be usefu...
dropped my calculator and now sometimes it just wont turn on, and when it doesn't turn on I have to hit it really hard multiple times for it to possibly turn on - Texas Instruments TI-30Xa
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At what point in my study of mathematics will I need to "step up", from the basic 10-digit, 1 line, TI-30XA? Keep in mind I'm only starting to get into intermediate algebra. Holocene Thread Jan 19, 2008 Tags Calculator Replies: 10 ...