All significant digits; trailing zeros dropped. Four decimal places, no exponent. Reciprocal of 58.5. Shows full precision until you release Fractions The HP 33s allows you to type in and display fractions, and to perform math operations on them. Fractions are real numbers of the form a...
Not only did it run the digits from MNIST, but it also accepted input from a USB mouse, letting [KermMartian] draw digits directly on the screen. While the calculator’s limited resources mean it can’t train the network in real-time, this project is a proof that, with enough ...
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Only letter 'e' : 'e' is treated as exponent when significand has decimal point, where digits after e are treated as number raised to power of 10, 2.0e2 = 400 ( 2 * 10^2). Digits preceding 'e' must have decimal point. 2e2 is neither hexadecimal nor exponent as it misses 0x and...
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It shows that the area of sphere is directly proportional to one factor i.e. its radius, while cylinder’s area is dependent on its radius as well as height. Area calculation of cylinders is important We might not notice that but cylindrical areas have much importance in many types of mach...
Calculator finds out coefficient of exponent function y=a×exp(bx) that fits best into series of (x, y) points. Exponentiation: the simplest form power↔base↔exponent↔simplest form↔etc. Calculator finds out the simplest form of given power (exponentiation) expression. Shows all the ste...
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Calculator! is an easy to use, beautifully packaged calculator for your iPad or iPhone that includes both a standard and scientific calculator. Our versatile c…