通过本程序,可以方便的计算出您所修读的课程的GPA。具体方法是在下面的方框中输入您修读获得的课程学分和课程分数(如果是等级制的,在下框选择对应等级),页面下方会累计加权结果。 定制文件格式, 学分必选, 三种记分方式中必选一种, 课程名和学时可不写 课程名 百分制 等级制 4分制 学分 学时 上传文件或更...
Calculate Your High School GPA Easy but most comprehensive High School GPA Calculator for cumulative GPA, unweighted and weighted GPA calculations. Estimate GPA with "what-if" scenarios, get GPA trends, and identify weak areas to improve. Use this tool for GPA planning & setting goals to achieve...
Calculate and Track your High School or College GPA Using this Free GPA Calculator for Excel® and Google Sheets Have you ever wondered "How much will my GPA change if I get a B instead of an A," or something like that? With the Vertex42™GPA Calculatorspreadsheet, you can do that...
GPA stands for Grade Point Average, and it's one of the measures of students' achievements and academic performance. The calculation is done by converting the grades to a numerical scale and averaging them according to given credits (weights). GPA may be calculated on the basis of grades from...
for grades and credits. The data entry is a letter grade (A though F with + and - applicable for A, B and C). Use only the classes you require. The result is a total for the grade values, a total for class credits and the GPA for those classes. The GPA equivalents (based on ...
F-. The grade points may differ within 0.33 or 0.67 steps for greater accuracy. Our calculator considers the five-grade system including awards. Also, notice that some educational institutions use a weighted GPA, which means that each course has its own grading scale in means of difficulty. Mi...
gpa calculator for CSWYou Might Also Like Final Grade Calculator - A+ GPA Calculator App Education Target GPA: Grades Tracker Education ChanceMe - College Admissions GradeCalc - GPA Calculator Education US Sailing Skill Up Education MyGPA - Tracker ...
Calculator for GPA // initialize variables - graded assignments int currentAssignments = 5; int sophia1 = 93; int sophia2 = 87; int sophia3 = 98; int sophia4 = 95; int sophia5 = 100; int nicolas1 = 80; int nicolas2 = 83;
What is the formula for calculating my GPA? The formula for calculating your Grade Point Average (GPA) consists of the following steps: Convert each letter grade to a numerical value (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.). Multiply each numerical value by the credit hours the course is worth. ...
Step 5: Calculate your chances based on your GPA (it's free) Send your GPA to our chancing calculator to view your odds at any college. Where Do I Find My GPA? You might be asking yourself, what is my GPA, anyway? Standing for grade point average, GPA is the traditional way by...