1. Calculation using Single command $ echo "4+10" | bc 14 2. Calculation using Multiple commands $ echo "obase=15;5+9" | bc E 3. Using previous results in the current operation In the following example, “last” represents the result of the previous calculation. echo "1+3;last/2" ...
chmod -R 644 directoryname: This command sets the permissions of all files in the specified directory and its subdirectories to 644. The '-R' option means recursive. '6' (which is the binary equivalent of 110) means read (4) and write (2) permissions for the user. '4' (which is ...
Chmod means ‘change mode’ and it changes file or directory mode bits (the way a file can be accessed). You can use chmod in the command line to change file or directory permissions on unix or unix-like systems such as linux or BSD. ...
The first two contain IBM PC executables (for running in a Unix command line environment). The last two contain Apple Macintosh executables (for running under Terminal on OS X). For other Unix/Linux environments, pick either and recompile. Loki30.exe: Self-unpacking MS/DOS executable LHA ...
rpnChilada is a command-line Reverse-Polish Notation calculator. rpnChilada supports arithmetic with arbitrary precision, powers and roots, logarithms, algebraic functions (including polynomials arithmetic and solving), trigonometric functions, complex numbers, computer science related functions (bitwise math,...
The Perl and JavaScript versions provide command history (input and result substitution, as inMaxima). Other features vary as follows: FeaturesPerlHypercalcHyperCalcJavaScript User-defined variablesYESYES User-defined functions(use BASIC)YES Re-use input and output expressions (command history)YESYES ...
You can configure the general color, greeting message, greeting color, prompt and prompt color from the file for example in (for linux) ~/.config/mini-calc/mini-calc.toml Or situated in your operating system config folder. You can interact with the configuration with the command line, more...
As a command-line calculator, possible use cases of GNUbcare virtually limitless. In this tutorial, I am going to describe a few popular features ofbccommand. For a complete manual, refer to theofficial source. Unless you have a pre-writtenbcscript, you typically runbcin interactive mode, ...
The call to .exec() is wrapped in a call to sys.exit(), which allows you to cleanly exit Python and release memory resources when the application terminates. You can run your first PyQt app with the following command: Shell $ python hello.py When you run this script, you’ll see ...
If you do not specify a file on the command line, dc reads input from the standard input; otherwise, it reads input from the file and then from the standard input (if there is no quit command in the file). dc sends output to the standard output. There are several types of input:...