[Step By Step]SAP HANA中创建计算视图(Calculation View) Demo Instruction: 该视图将两个表AUDIOBOOKS和BOOKS中的数据进行连接,并作区分。 源数据: 操作: 1. 在content相应的package上创建计算视图 填写相关的基础信息: 选择建模所使用的数据对象,可以是表对象,也可以是其他视图: 点击Finish,则进入相应的建模主界...
Demo Instruction: 该视图将两个表AUDIOBOOKS和BOOKS中的数据进行连接,并作区分。 源数据: 操作: 1. 在content相应的package上创建计算视图 填写相关的基础信息: 选择建模所使用的数据对象,可以是表对象,也可以是其他视图: 点击Finish,则进入相应的
分类: SAP HANA 本文转自沧海-重庆博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/omygod/archive/2013/04/30/3051797.html,如需转载请自行联系原作者 关键词: sap hana sap视图 sap hana视图view sap calculation sap计算 长征1号 +关注 343文章 0 0 0 0 相关...
Hi, I am new to SAP HANA web based workbench. Can anyone explain me how to create a calculation view in SAP HANA Web Based Workbench ? I have gone through this link But
Hello Everyone, When I was trying to learn HANA scripted calculation view, I had to spend lot of time in creating tables, views and data records in order to get my hands
SAP HANA Calculation View Right click on the models package and select new calculation view. Name your calculation view as CV_COUNTRY_TARGET and un check enable multi Dimensional Reporting. Now drag and drop the Analytic view (AN_PURCHASE_ORDERS) that you created earlier and also ...
The calculation view is created in"_SYS_BIC"schema by default. So SAP HANA programmer can execute following SQLScript SELECT statement for example: SELECT * FROM "_SYS_BIC"."com.kodyaz.som.po/CV_Purchase_Orders"; Code In case you experience following error when you try to execute a SQL...
We will not create any additional logic here. All we have to do is add the table function to this projection seen in the Calculation view below. Adding the SAP HANA Table function to the projection node To add the table function, right click on the projection and select “Add Objects”....
SAP Fiori Software Product View products (1) Hi Expert, I want to activate 'Bank Statement' Analytical app. After I import the HANA software component (HCO_HBA_R_APPL604), I noticed that the respective calculation views are having errors as per attached. I have tried manual activation on...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hi Guys, Consider that I have a Infocube in BW 7.4 which is being loaded on a daily basis through a Process Chain which has a DTP fetching data from a DSO.. So now, when I import my BW Info Cube as a Calculation View in HANA Studio...