A numerical method is presented which allows for the calculation of the total force acting upon a building during impact of a projectile. The structural part to be hit by the projectile is assumed to be rigid; its surface is perpendicular to the direction of impact. Flight trajectory and ...
W AY SCI EN CE国铁道科学V01.31N o.6N ovem ber,2010文章编号:1001—4632( 2010) 06—0056—07落石冲击力计算方法叶四桥,陈洪凯,唐红梅( 蕈庆交通大学岩土工程研究所,醇庆400074)摘要:针对现有落石冲击力算法计算所得结果严重偏小的『nJ 题,提出应考虑落石冲击过程中落石重量和反弹效应对落石冲击力的影响,并...
主梁内力计算 Calculation of Internal Force of Main Beam。Lecture 16 Internal Force Calculation Of Main Beam。山东交通学院。桥梁工程 BRIDGE ENGINEERING。彭霞 山东交通学院 4/05/2009。主讲教师 彭霞 TEACHER PENGXIA。主梁内力计算 Calculation of Internal Force of Main Beam。1. 对于无中间横隔梁.....
In the inking system of an offset printing press,a vibrator roller distributes ink not only in the circumferential direction but also in the axial direction.In the control process,if ink amount is determined only by the dot area coverage without considering the impact of vibrator roller's oscill...
physics math problems units calculator physics g force impact calculator automatic calculator problems of physics This app is specially designed to solve your physics problems at the high school level, cape level, csec level and any general calculations you need. Lisää Uutta...
g force impact calculator automatic calculator problems of physics This app is specially designed to solve your physics problems at the high school level, cape level, csec level and any general calculations you need. What’s New 7 Sept 2021 ...
physics solved numericals physics math problems units calculator physics g force impact calculator automatic calculator problems of physics This app is specially designed to solve your physics problems at the high school level, cape level, csec level and any general calculations you need. more What...
2) Simulation calculation of impact force 冲击力模拟计算3) shock calculation 冲击计算 1. According to[1], the longitudinal shock calculation of the helix spring in the shockproof device is discussed. 讨论了[1]中提出的汽车防撞防振器中螺旋弹簧的纵向冲击计算,同时也简单地介绍了板簧及组合圆柱形...
of end field at the moment of the maximum short current achieved is gained.Basing on the calculating the force on the end of stator windings and the distribution of the force on the each bar are obtained.The effect of the exciting current on the magnetic force is compared and discussed,...