Calculation of drug dosages. A workbook. 3E: by R. Radcliff and S. Ogden C. V. Mosby Co, 1987, 400 pages, Price £14.80doi:10.1016/0266-612X(87)90079-4Moira J. AttreeIntensive Care Nursing
Calculation of Drug DosagesCalculation of drug dosages : a work text Sheila J. Ogden, Linda K. Fluharty Elsevier Mosby, c2012 9th ed : pbkOgdenSheila JFluhartyLindaElsevier MosbyMosby
Calculation of drug dosages: An interactive workbook (6th ed.).(Review)Cuzzell, Janice
This text equips nurses with the decision making skills to ensure that medication dosages are calculated correctly and administered safely. The book integrates critical thinking and decision making into the dosage calculation process and uses a realistic case study approach, with photos of nurses, ...
Providing nursing students with words of wisdom and advice from real-life student nurses, Calculation Skills for Nurses enables you to calculate drug dosages with ease, boosting your confidence and competence in this core area of nursing practice. The book takes away the fear of calculations, ...