Calculation of Drug DosagesCalculation of drug dosages : a work text Sheila J. Ogden, Linda K. Fluharty Elsevier Mosby, c2012 9th ed : pbkOgdenSheila JFluhartyLindaElsevier MosbyMosby
The use of pellets as a part of multiparticulate drug delivery systems is becoming increasingly important due to advantageous properties in comparison to tablets and single unit dosages, first of all the uniform distribution throughout the gastrointestinal tract, the regular drug release during the ga...
Calculation of drug dosages. A workbook. 3E: by R. Radcliff and S. Ogden C. V. Mosby Co, 1987, 400 pages, Price £14.80doi:10.1016/0266-612X(87)90079-4Moira J. AttreeIntensive Care Nursing
Calculation of drug dosages: An interactive workbook (6th ed.).(Review)Cuzzell, Janice