1、例子2:MONO-STAGE CALCULATION OF A BOX一个简单冲压过程的设置这个例子包括一个简单的冲压过程的设置(没有压料过程),我们可以了解到从CAD模型的导入,使用DeltaMESH模块进行网格划分,倒圆角到使用penalty的接触关系对整个模型进行定义的过程。因为这个模型包含一个对称面板,因此只有一半的零件被模拟。这个例子需要的...
The c/a ratio of hcp Au (1.655) is larger than that of Mg (1.608), implying larger anisotropy in lattice parameters for hcp Au. Note that the lattice constant for primitive iicsnetlnlrieongfsaiftccivclienA, kuinb(deaitcfpwcarcieti=enngathtfhceca/ftccth2aen=dexh2ics.pt9e6pn7hc7eas...
scintillators and photomultipliers C7320 Physics and chemistry computingAn efficient Monte Carlo program for calculation of total intrinsic efficiency, peak-to-total ratio and source intrinsic efficiency of bare right-circular cylindrical NaI(Tl) detectors from an arbitrarily located isotropic point source ...
It depends on the amount of liquid assets that can be c 11、onverted into cash in the near future.(1) current ratioFormula: current ratio = total current assets / current liabilitiesSignificance: the ability of an enterprise to repay short-term debt. The more the liquid assets, the less ...
The bulk modulus, shear modulus,Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and hardness of NbRuB were calculated. The results reveal that the NbRuB is ductility and the Vickers hardness is 15.06 GPa. Moreover, the 3D dependences of reciprocals ofYoung's modulus is also calculated and discussed, ...
This paper demonstrates the need for an integrated approach to improve the accuracy of corpse age calculation based on measurements of a heterogeneous nature and conditions of partially distorted or incomplete data, using modern information intelligent technologies. A generalized algorithm developed on the...
Sharma S, Das A (2007) Backcalculation of pavement layer moduli from falling weight deflectometer data using an artificial neural network. Can J Civ Eng 35(1):57–66 CrossRef Shearar C (2000) The CRISP-DM model: the new blueprint for data mining. J Data Warehous 5(4):13 Stolle ...
Guirardello, "Gibbs free energy minimization for the calculation of chemical and phase equilibrium using linear programming," Fluid Phase Equilibria, vol. 278, pp. 117 - 128, 2009.Rossi, C.; Filho, L.C.; Guirardello, R. Gibbs free energy minimization for the calculation of chemical and ...
Chemical equations: descriptions of chemica 14、l reactions. Two parts to an equation: reactants and products:2H2 + O2 2H2O Stoichiometric coefficients: numbers in front of the chemical formulas; give ratio of reactants and products. Example: 2K + 2H2O 2KOH + H2Oxidation Number 3Cu + 8...
In Statcalc Choose Sample size & power Choose Cohort or cross-sectional Use a confidence level of 95% Use power of 80% Assume ratio 1:1 We expect that 20% die among the WHO stage 4 patients and 10% die among the WHO stage 3 patients.,Sample size in a cohort study: Using Epi-Info...