of course, we can not blindly, for it is the most perfect, so we should consider from different angles such as: Budget room size, brand, funding, beautiful decoration the angle, below describes how to calculate and calculation method of power consumption of refrigeration air conditioning heating...
1. calculation formula of new tube length of refrigerator evaporator Total length of pipe = length of freezer room + length of cold storage room Freezing chamber length =1/3, total volume (L) * 0.148 M / L Refrigerating chamber length =2/3, total volume (L) * 0.03 M / L 2. calcula...
冰箱冷柜毛细管长度计算公式(Calculation formula of capillary length in refrigerator and freezer).doc,冰箱冷柜毛细管长度计算公式(Calculation formula of capillary length in refrigerator and freezer) Refrigerator capillary length formula of the refrigera
but that doesn’t mean you can’t use one to your advantage. This is the sniff test you can do to see how close the designer might have come to an accurate load calculation. In the warmer climates where air conditioning is a big deal, the rule of thumb used by many contractors for...
毛细管长度计算(Capillary length calculation).doc,毛细管长度计算(Capillary length calculation) Calculation formula of capillary length in refrigerator and freezer Fridge, freezer, formula, capillary, length Formula for calculating capillary length of
毛细管长度计算(Capillarylengthcalculation) Calculationformulaofcapillarylengthinrefrigeratorand freezer Fridge,freezer,formula,capillary,length Formulaforcalculatingcapillarylengthofrefrigeratorsand freezers--TestMethodforcapillarylength Theprocessofopentube,highpressurepipeisconnectedwith apressuremeterisconnectedwithoneend...