Social Burden considers the full “basket” of people’s day-to-day needs that are critical for sustaining ongoing physical and mental well-being. These services include access to adequate food, clean water, shelter, fuel, medical care, financial services, communications, emergency logistics, evacua...
The result of hidden environmental costs in the Spanish diet shows that animal-based proteins tend to have a higher environmental impact than plant-based proteins due to factors like GHG, land use, water usage, etc. These higher environmental impacts contribute to their true cost. In the Spanish...
For example, negative temperatures affect the friction between the tires and the runway, as water and vapor turn into ice, which leads to reduced maximum braking capability and thus Angles of Attack closer to 0. Deployed spoilers are found to have the least affect on the AoA, but not at a...
The amount of energy consumed in pressurized water transport is considerable. For instance, in California, over 6% of the state’s total energy consumption is due to pump usage for water transport [1]. A similar percentage has been reported in Spain, where irrigation is responsible for 3% of...