Does limb length predict the relative energetic cost of locomotion in mammals? respective relationships to body mass, we have removed the effects of size by calculating the residuals of the relationship between each character and body ... K Steudel,J Beattie - 《Proceedings of the Zoological ...
The procedure of calculating the attraction of the topographic masses from a combination of digital models of different grid sizes is widely studied. The limitations of using the formula of the distant mass elements for both the topographic and the isostatic masses, along with their relative errors...
A python program for calculating the mass of XAFS [X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure] samples. The chemical formula parser understands parentheses and weight percentage, also in nested form. XAFSmass reports the quantity (weight, thickness or pressure) tog
Body mass index (BMI, ratio of height and weight, expressed as kg/m2) is widely used to define overweight and obesity across many countries, populations, races and ethnicities. It is obvious that weight and height are linked. Hence, to adjust for the proportion between height and weight, th...
1. The approximation formula (shown in OP) I was using is apparently for single-layer coils; this explains the huge error on the 28-layer coil in my model. David Meeker's FEMM program calculates the L value to be a much saner 3mH. 2. Per your suggestion, I've done some reading ...
If one where to apply a constant force of f.ex 2kN to this pulley: what RPM will the gear have? It will of course be relative to the radius of the gear, which again will be important for the torque. So for the sake of calculating with numbers, let's say the gear is...
Relative Front (Rf) = 0.087 error on Rf=0.005 I can calculate my log(MW) by inputing my Rf into x value of the equation y=-1.392047709(0.087)+2.324113743 y=2.203 and my MW can be found by taking it out of log MW = 10^(2.203) MW=159.58Da Now, I want to find my error on th...
A formal solution is expressed regarding formula weight units per liter of solution. Parts per Million (ppm) and Parts per Billion (ppb)Used for extremely dilute solutions, these units express the ratio of parts of solute per either 1 million parts of the solution or 1 billion parts of a ...
A Simple Formula for Calculating the "Mass Density" of a Lognormally Distributed Characteristic: Applications to Risk Analysis value of informationStatements such as "80% of the employees do 20% of the work" or "the richest 1% of society controls 10% of its assets" are ... AM Finkel - ...
The densities of long-chain hydrocarbons are reproduced with small deviations, while the results for some short-chain alkanes are worsened. For the second approach, existing Helmholtz energy equations of state are utilized, while keeping the linear interpolation scheme via the acentric factor. ...